
Motorola Study Highlights Phone-Life Balance: Take This Quiz to Know If You're Addicted to Your Phone

Motorola Phone Addiction Feb 2018 website

Motorola Phone Addiction Feb 2018 website

Motorola has just published the results of a new study that examines the smartphone habits of people and how that impacts their relationships with the people around them. The results of the written report are as eye-opening every bit they are depressing.

Thirty-iii per centum of respondents in the written report prioritized their smartphone over meaningful interactions with people they care about. As expected, smartphone addiction is much more than severe amid the younger generations, with "53 pct of Gen Z respondents describing their phone equally a best friend". Gen Z refers to those born in the 1990s and early 2000s. Meanwhile, 61 percentage of participants wanted a better 'phone-life residuum', with as many as sixty percent saying that "it's important to take a life separate from their phones". Simply what exactly constitutes smartphone habit?

Motorola SMartphone Addiction study
Epitome: Motorola

The study was commissioned by Motorola, and developed by psychologist Dr. Nancy Etcoff from the Massachusetts General Hospital Department of Psychiatry. Dr. Etcoff as well happens to be an expert in 'Heed-Make Behavior and the Scientific discipline of Happiness' at Harvard Academy. Information technology surveyed 4,418 smartphone users between the ages of 16 and 65 in the U.s.a., Brazil, France and India from Nov thirty, 2017 to Dec 26, 2017.

The research also identifies '3 central problematic smartphone behaviors' that affect interpersonal relations negatively. First off, there's 'Compulsory Checking', with 49 pct of all respondents agreeing that they check their phone more oftentimes than they would like. Again, the problem is much more than prevalent amongst immature people, with about threescore percent of millennials and Gen Z participants admitting to it. To add together to that, 35 pct respondents agreed that they spend likewise much fourth dimension with their smartphone, while 65 per centum admit to panicking at the thought of losing the device.

Are you addicted to smartphones?
Paradigm: Motorola

Following the findings of its report, Motorola created a fun 10-question quiz that people can take to check if they are fond to their smartphone. Depending on your reply, you lot are categorized in one of 5 different levels, ranging from a 'Phonosapien' ("just a human with a phone"), to a 'Phonatic' ("you never don't use the phone").

Motorola Study Highlights Phone-Life Balance: Take This Quiz to Know If You're Addicted

I took the quiz, and turns out, I'k at level 4, or equally Motorola calls me – a 'Phonophile'. That makes me merely one step away from that slippery slope of smartphone obsession otherwise known every bit Phonatic. Thank you, Moto.

Either way, the company is besides doing something serious about the effect by teaming upward with the 'Infinite – Break Phone Improver' app, which offers "a threescore-twenty-four hours program to help smartphone users become more mindful of their phone usage".


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